Procrastination Buster - ONLINE

This workshop covers everything you need to know to get the best possible response for the procrastinating client. It analyzes the client's 'procrastination personality' and quickly establishes underlying drivers. 

The class is conducted as a one-day workshop and the 2023 cost is $299. It will be recorded for later viewing.

COURSE DATE: September 30, 2023 - Saturday, 10:00am to 6:00pm, EST​

Please note: to take this course you must meet the following requirements:

  • BWRT® Level 1 certified
  • Member in good standing of the Terence Watt's BWRT® Institute
  • ​You must be located in the United States to study with BWRT-United States

Please Note: When you enroll, class payments will be processed through Next Level Hypnosis (the parent company of BWRT-United States.)

BWRT® United States
