BWRT® United States

Please Note: When you enroll, class payments will be processed through Next Level Hypnosis (the parent company of BWRT-United States.)

BWRT® Level 2 - ONLINE

BWRT® Level 2  elevates your BWRT® understanding and delivery while providing a structure to address complex issues that may not respond well to BWRT® Level 1.  

 When you complete this advanced training, you will have the skills to work more effectively with complex issues such as dependencies and addictions, as well as complex anxieties, PTSD, CPTSD and other notoriously complicated disorders. This course is not merely just more of the same as the Level 1 course.  Level 2 employs a radically different approach while still using the BWRT® Core Process. 

Please note:

  • Completion of the BWRT® Level 1 course is a pre-requisite for this training
  • You must be located in the United States to study with BWRT-United States

The course takes place over two weekends with half-day classes on Saturday and Sunday both weekends.

The 2023 cost is $999, there is an Early Bird discount of 25% for students who enroll up to 30 days before the first class, and payment plans are available. Live attendance (online) is required for this course.

COURSE DATES: April 22-April 30, 2023 

  • Saturday and Sunday both weekends, 1:00pm to 4:00pm, EST.
  • Early Bird Deadline, March 23, 2023 (Use promo code EARLYBIRDAPR23)